Keeping Them Safe

Halloween is a holiday loved by kids young and old – and in just a few short hours trick-or-treaters all over Red Deer will be excitedly counting up their swag. But with so many people; accidents and injuries can easily happen. Here are our top tips to ensure that however you decide to celebrate, you can celebrate in safety.
It’s all about the Costume
When it comes to the perfect Halloween get-up, we’re all about the costume and getting it just right. But costumes aren’t necessarily made with practicality in mind.
A good fitting costume isn’t only more comfortable; it also avoids anything that might get caught on something; or limits movement. If possible, pick lighter colours and add some reflective stickers or tape to costumes so that visibility to other road users is increased. Glow sticks are also a fun accompaniment to any cost, which also promotes visibility.
Masks are great additions to costumes but can obstruct vision, to avoid this consider expressing your own creative flair by using non-toxic face paint. Be sure to remove properly before bed though; as this reduces the risk of skin or eye irritation.
And finally; whether you are 6 or 56, if someone hands you a ‘pretend’ sword, there’s a good chance you’ll ‘pretend’ sword fight at some point in the evening! Keeps props soft and pliable to avoid injury.
Road Safety
If you can, pre-plan your route; this helps you avoid dimly lit areas and identify possible hazards. It’s also a great idea to also go out earlier in the evening. If you have younger children, you are more likely to choose to go out in the early evening; however even as children get a little older, venturing out earlier is still a great idea. Not only is it easier for you and other road users to see one another, but there are also less people around.
As well as being fun, Halloween is a useful learning experience on how to be a safe road user. This is a great chance to teach your child how to use designated cross-walks. It’s also recommended that for maximum safety, you work your way up one side of the street and then back down the other. During busy times, there are a greater number of vehicles on the road and criss-crossing increases the risks of road accidents.
Go through your Child’s Candy
It is both sad and horrifying that there are people out there who take enjoyment in tampering with candy before giving it out. For this reason, maintain a policy in your home of not eating candy before you get home and you can look through it (this also avoids choking hazards).
Check packaging for any signs of opening as well as gently feel, and if possible visually inspect through packaging, for any signs of tampering. If you do find something, let the Red Deer RCMP know immediately.
In addition to this; be on the lookout for gum, or hard candy that can also pose as choking hazards.
Celebrating at Home
Celebrating at home can be just as fun; if you are inviting trick-or-treaters to your door, make sure that your walk-way and entry-way is well lit. In Alberta; we are no stranger to snow, so; if applicable; make sure you have plenty of ice-melt spread across the areas which pose as slipping hazards.
Jack-O-Lanterns are really festive and a great addition to your walk-way, but be sure to avoid fire hazards by using fake candles, rather than real ones. And watch your fingers when carving – otherwise you may end up with a very authentic looking special effect!
If you are planning on trick-or-treating this evening, we’ve compiled some key emergency contacts for you:
Emergency (Fire, Police, Ambulance) – dial 911
Red Deer Regional Hospital – 3942 50a Ave, Red Deer, AB T4N 4E7
Red Deer RCMP (non-Emergency) - 4602 51 Ave, Red Deer, AB T4N 1T8 / (403) 343-5575
Whatever your plans are this evening, we wish you a safe and happy Halloween!